Friday, June 26, 2009

"Buried in Stolen Dirt"

June 26, 2009
YEA!!! My luggage has arrived and I will have clean underwear from now on! I can’t tell you how happy that made me, and it arrived shrunk wrapped from Amsterdam, everything in place. I only had to buy one extra outfit.
I sat through three lectures this morning and afternoon. One phrase keeps running through my mind, “buried in stolen dirt.” One of the professors today spoke about the displacement of Africans to Bantu homelands and spoke about a couple who had to bury their baby in “stolen” dirt because they owned no land to bury their baby, who died during their move. This was incredibly touching to me. Can you imagine not even being able to own enough dirt to bury your child? Maybe it’s because I have such a close relationship with Darrin, but this phrase especially was especially haunting. “Buried in stolen dirt”, if you were such a child…would you rest comfortably?
Tonight, my new friends and I walked down by the water way, and I had a great steak for dinner, and hung out with great friend, talking politics, education, etc. I had a great time. Amy had sardines, and Jacob was my favorite because he is so sweet. I love how different we all are and how much we have in common. Amy, from NC, actually made a reference to “Greater Tuna” a southern play and one of my favorites. Kathy reminds me of Anna, tough as nails and funny as hell. It was a good day. Tomorrow will be Robben Island and Green Market Square where we are expected to haggle for price, something I hate doing.


  1. Glad you having a great time Rainey!! Hey I barted for everything I bought in East Africa...its part of the culture!!! Just do it!

  2. Just added you to my list of links to other bloggers on our NEH excursion.
